3838 Trojan Trail, Tallahassee FL, 32311

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We Made it to Nationals!

Please consider supporting our program for our trip to UCA Nationals!


Our athletes have been working hard and have qualified to compete at the 2024 UCA National High School Cheerleading Championship in February. We are raising funds to help cover the cost of the competition and would love your support.

A contribution of any size would be immensely beneficial in helping us reach

our goal. We have listed below the following levels of sponsorship.

GREEN LEVEL - $150 | Includes Name/Company on our website

GOLD LEVEL - $300 | This level would include the items above as well as your name/company on our team t-shirt.

*If you want a logo, please submit at lincolncheer.com/sponsor

TROJAN LEVEL - $500 or more | You will receive all of the items listed above as well as a personalized plaque highlighting your support.

If you would be interested in sponsoring our team at any of the levels mentioned above, please complete the Sponsorship Commitment Form electronically at the bottom of this page, and make checks payable to Lincoln High School. Please note that all contributions are tax deductible.


Precious McDonald

Lincoln High School Cheer Coach

Sarah Daglis

Lincoln High School Cheer Sponsor

Sponsorship Commitment Form

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